[Tri-Ace] Infinite Undiscovery

Un jeu coup de coeur ? Venez en parler.

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Inscription : dim. avr. 16, 2006 9:50 pm
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[Tri-Ace] Infinite Undiscovery

Messagepar Knobie » mer. sept. 13, 2006 11:58 am

Editeur : SquareEnix
Concepteur : Tri Ace
Genre : Action-RPG / Mode en ligne ???
Support : Xbox 360
Sortie : Courant 2008
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Annoncé de longue date, le premier RPG tri-Ace sur Xbox 360 a désormais un nom. Après Valkyrie Profile et Radiata Stories, le studio japonais prouve une nouvelle fois son imagination en baptisant son projet Infinite Undiscovery.

Lorsqu'il a été dévoilé il y a désormais un an, Infinite Undiscovery était uniquement une collaboration entre le développeur tri-Ace (Star Ocean, Valkyrie Profile) et l'éditeur Microsoft. Cependant, lors d'une conférence de presse qui vient de se dérouler au Japon (12/09/2007), Square Enix a officiellement annoncé prendre part à la production de ce projet, en collaboration avec Microsoft.

Pour vous rafraîchir la mémoire, sachez qu'Infinite Undiscovery est un RPG au système de combat en temps réel. Il est possible qu'il propose des fonctionnalités en ligne, mais aucun détail n'a été donné à ce sujet.

Tiré de FFDream



September 15, 2006 - IGN

The veil has just come off, partially, from one of Microsoft's more mysterious Japanese projects. If you regularly check out the IGN release list, you might have noticed an entry for a tri-Ace RPG of some form. The game now has a name, Infinite Undiscovery.

Speaking with Weekly Famitsu, tri-Ace president Yoshiharu Gota, producer of Infinite Undiscovery, shared first details on the game.

Infinite Undiscovery has been in the works for a long time. "The framework itself has been cooking from far back," explained Gota. "Probably over 10 years ago. I've thought about making it into a game many times in the past, but there were hardware limitations and other hurdles, so this was unable to be realized. This time, we started off with the thought that the Xbox 360 would be able to realize our plans."

So what exactly is this great plan that Gota has been holding back all this time? "It's a framework that began with some doubts I've had in the course of making various RPGs. I've gotten the feeling that for the user, playing RPGs has gradually become like work. So, I considered what is the true nature of an RPG. It's the player acting out the role of a character in the virtual world of a game, enjoying the process of worrying and getting lost. I wanted to make a game that pulls on the excitement of a true RPG."

In case you were wondering, Gota is fully aware that "Undiscovery" is not in the standard English dictionary. He shared with Famitsu a detailed breakdown of how starting with "Cover," he got "Discover" by adding "Dis," and then added the "Un." With the two negatives, he feels the word has a certain vagueness about it.

"Discovery is a major key word for this game," he explained.

You'll be doing your discoveries mostly offline. "The game is really a standalone title. However, seeing as how Xbox 360 has Xbox Live, we're thinking about adding something. Nothing is confirmed yet, but we think it would be good if we could do something."

Gota wouldn't give any details on the game's storyline, aside from a single piece of artwork shared with Famitsu, which showed a mysterious temple. This temple will have a connection with the main character's goal, said Gota.

Gameplay details are also scarce at this point. The game will, like most tri-Ace games, feature real-time battles. According to Gota, we can look forward to something that combines the slow thought of standard RPGs with the quick reflexes required of a battle system with time limits, and the strategy of real time gameplay.

The game will also provide a truly seamless transition to battles. "It's possible that when you think you've finished a battle, there'll already be an enemy approaching you right before your eyes." The one screenshot released to Famitsu shows a party of characters facing off against an enemy, with an additional foe seeming to approach from the side.

Development on Infinite Undiscovery is currently at 30%. The game is without a final release date.






Dernière modification par Knobie le mer. sept. 12, 2007 1:45 pm, modifié 3 fois.
Autre pseudo : Kornw@y, Nils Olsen, SG@

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Inscription : mar. avr. 18, 2006 10:39 pm
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Messagepar Julien » mer. sept. 13, 2006 8:37 pm

Miam du Tri-Ace! La 360 commence vraiment à se dôter de RPG plus qu'intéressants!
Dernière modification par Julien le jeu. sept. 14, 2006 10:47 pm, modifié 1 fois.

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Inscription : lun. sept. 04, 2006 7:02 pm
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Messagepar Fayt » jeu. sept. 14, 2006 9:49 pm

J'adore ce style de jeu, miam. Le system de combat à l'air de s'approcher de celui de StarOcean III et ça m'étonnerai pas que Motoi Sakuraba s'occupe de l'OST...

Alélouya. ^^

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Inscription : dim. avr. 16, 2006 9:50 pm
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Messagepar Knobie » mer. sept. 20, 2006 9:12 am

Autre pseudo : Kornw@y, Nils Olsen, SG@

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Messagepar Fayt » mer. sept. 20, 2006 5:48 pm



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Inscription : ven. avr. 21, 2006 1:40 am

Messagepar ikou » mer. sept. 20, 2006 9:42 pm

Selon moi avec Tursty bell ce jeu blue dragon et Lost odyssey square-enix va venir sur 360 et la ps3 va faire kaboum
Il était une fois IIIIIIIIIIIIhhhh un monstre

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Inscription : lun. sept. 04, 2006 7:02 pm
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Messagepar Fayt » mer. sept. 20, 2006 9:59 pm

Je pense pas que ce soit le sujet pour parler "consoles".

Si ça part comme ça, je vois déjà où ca va finir.

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Inscription : mar. avr. 11, 2006 6:57 pm
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Messagepar FanFFs » mer. sept. 20, 2006 10:06 pm

Adulez les jeux et pas les consoles ^_^
ID Playstation Network : Selph
Gamertag : FanFFs

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Inscription : lun. sept. 04, 2006 7:02 pm
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Messagepar Fayt » mer. sept. 20, 2006 10:09 pm

J'ai passé un contrat avec mon frère, comme quoi les jeux composé par Motoi Sakuraba m'étaient destiné (Valkyrie Profile, Baten Kaitos, StarOcean III, Radiata Stories etc...).

J'éspère que des infos vont filtrés pour que je sois fixé. :love:

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Messages : 1269
Inscription : dim. avr. 16, 2006 9:50 pm
Localisation : Paris

Messagepar Knobie » sam. août 18, 2007 2:23 pm

September 15, 2006 - IGN

The veil has just come off, partially, from one of Microsoft's more mysterious Japanese projects. If you regularly check out the IGN release list, you might have noticed an entry for a tri-Ace RPG of some form. The game now has a name, Infinite Undiscovery.

Speaking with Weekly Famitsu, tri-Ace president Yoshiharu Gota, producer of Infinite Undiscovery, shared first details on the game.

Infinite Undiscovery has been in the works for a long time. "The framework itself has been cooking from far back," explained Gota. "Probably over 10 years ago. I've thought about making it into a game many times in the past, but there were hardware limitations and other hurdles, so this was unable to be realized. This time, we started off with the thought that the Xbox 360 would be able to realize our plans."

So what exactly is this great plan that Gota has been holding back all this time? "It's a framework that began with some doubts I've had in the course of making various RPGs. I've gotten the feeling that for the user, playing RPGs has gradually become like work. So, I considered what is the true nature of an RPG. It's the player acting out the role of a character in the virtual world of a game, enjoying the process of worrying and getting lost. I wanted to make a game that pulls on the excitement of a true RPG."

In case you were wondering, Gota is fully aware that "Undiscovery" is not in the standard English dictionary. He shared with Famitsu a detailed breakdown of how starting with "Cover," he got "Discover" by adding "Dis," and then added the "Un." With the two negatives, he feels the word has a certain vagueness about it.

"Discovery is a major key word for this game," he explained.

You'll be doing your discoveries mostly offline. "The game is really a standalone title. However, seeing as how Xbox 360 has Xbox Live, we're thinking about adding something. Nothing is confirmed yet, but we think it would be good if we could do something."

Gota wouldn't give any details on the game's storyline, aside from a single piece of artwork shared with Famitsu, which showed a mysterious temple. This temple will have a connection with the main character's goal, said Gota.

Gameplay details are also scarce at this point. The game will, like most tri-Ace games, feature real-time battles. According to Gota, we can look forward to something that combines the slow thought of standard RPGs with the quick reflexes required of a battle system with time limits, and the strategy of real time gameplay.

The game will also provide a truly seamless transition to battles. "It's possible that when you think you've finished a battle, there'll already be an enemy approaching you right before your eyes." The one screenshot released to Famitsu shows a party of characters facing off against an enemy, with an additional foe seeming to approach from the side.

Development on Infinite Undiscovery is currently at 30%. The game is without a final release date.
Histoire de vous rassurez sur la possible possibilité que le soft soit au TGS 2007 :)

La traduction n'étant pas vraiment utile je vais me contenter d'un petit résumé :

- Après dix ans de gestation, Gota (producteur du soft) pense qu'il est temps de donner vie à ce projet.
- Combat sans transition et en temps réel.
- Possibilité d'avoir du contenu via le Xbox Live.
- Volonté de se rapprocher du jeu de rôle papier.
- Pas vraiment d'histoire, uniquement de l'exploration.
- Le background sera principalement ancré sur l'origine d'un temple mystique.
- En 2006, le jeu en était à 30% de développement.

Autre pseudo : Kornw@y, Nils Olsen, SG@

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one winged angel
Messages : 56
Inscription : mar. mai 30, 2006 8:18 pm

Messagepar one winged angel » sam. août 18, 2007 3:28 pm

Putain, Tri-Ace ne m'a jamais déçu, encore un jeu que j'acheterais aveuglément.

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Madame Soleil
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Inscription : mer. mai 24, 2006 3:43 pm
Localisation : Nancy

Messagepar Mélé » sam. août 18, 2007 7:16 pm

- Volonté de se rapprocher du jeu de rôle papier.
- Pas vraiment d'histoire, uniquement de l'exploration.
Voila qui ne me rassure pas, mais alors pas du tout...

Le JDR papier, j'aime bien... Avec un papier, un crayon, et des potes. Les never winter night & co j'aime pas du tout =/

Et pas d'histoire, que de l'exploration... Hum...

Bon il reste a voir le système de combat quoi... Mais d'un coup ca m'a refroidit quand même =s

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Inscription : dim. avr. 16, 2006 9:50 pm
Localisation : Paris

Messagepar Knobie » sam. août 18, 2007 10:24 pm

Si tu retire la quête principale d'Oblivion, le jeu n'a pas d'histoire ... D'ailleurs, la quête principale elle même est juste la plus grande quête annexe de l'aventure.

Ici, il en sera de même .... Pas d'histoire, c'est un prétexte pour annoncer qu'il n'y aura pas de grand fil conducteur comme le fait Sakaguchi, mais ça ne l'empêchera pas d'avoir plusieurs petites histoires comme TriAce sait si bien les faire : Valkyrie Profile.

Dans la saga Valkyrie, le background et l'histoire principale, c'est la venue d'une valkyrie sur Terre pour trouver les guerriers capable de combattre durant le ragnarock. Les histoires personnelles de ces combattants, forment le scénario/les scénarios du soft.

Là, l'histoire tourne autour d'un temple mystique et les petites histoire alentoures formeront le scénario :)

Du moins, je le vois comme ça, car avec Gota aux commandes comment imaginer autres choses ???

Autre pseudo : Kornw@y, Nils Olsen, SG@

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Inscription : mar. avr. 18, 2006 10:39 pm
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Messagepar Julien » sam. août 18, 2007 11:20 pm

Pas vraiment d'histoire, uniquement de l'exploration.
Syndrôme Final Fantasy XII ? Si c'est le cas, non merci.

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one winged angel
Messages : 56
Inscription : mar. mai 30, 2006 8:18 pm

Messagepar one winged angel » sam. août 18, 2007 11:49 pm

Tout ce que je veux, c'est la dynamique des combats présente dans tous leurs jeux, le reste m'importe moins.

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